Stress reduction in depth

Schematherapy offers a way to understund ourselves at our core. It is a therapyform that is focusing on our emotional needs as a child and how they were fulfilled. If there was too much missing, we develop a schema that we have to cope with in one way or another. For example, if my emotions were not seen or heard  by my parents, I had to handle that in one way or another. As an adult it can lead to overcompensating at work, being the "fixer" in relationships, or not give yourself enough time to rest. 

You can see Schematherapy as a mix from psychodynamic therapy and Cognitive behavioral therapy as we use both the approach that our childhood and connections are important for our mental health and the use of cognitive beliefs and behavioral strategies in the treatment. 

We will conceptualize your background from a schematherapeutic view and work with your emotional needs. 

During the treatment you will have the possibility to regulate your nervous system with the Rest and Restore Protocol, RRP. You will notice that the protocol will help you to be in contact with your feelings and help you to feel more relaxed and regulated. It will also help your body restore itself if you have been in survival mode for a long time. 

This treatment is suitable for you that want to come out of patterns of stress and into a more flexible way of behavior.

 Stressreduction with RRP

7 sessions à 50 minutes: 7500 skr

generous installment payment